Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What is the date and time of the wedding?
Our wedding will take place on 14 April 2025 at 4:00 PM. Please arrive 15 minutes early to ensure you’re seated before the ceremony begins.
Where is the wedding venue located?
The wedding ceremony and reception will be held at Landgoed Rhederoord. The address is Parkweg 19, 6994 CM De Steeg, Netherlands. Parking is available on-site.
What is the dress code?
The dress code for our wedding is black tie. Please dress elegantly, keeping in mind the formal and picturesque setting of the venue.
Can I bring a plus-one?
We’ve reserved seating for those listed on the invitation. If you’re unsure, please feel free to reach out to us directly.
Are children welcome?
While we adore your little ones, we’ve decided to make this an adults-only celebration. We hope you can enjoy a relaxed evening with us!
Will transportation be provided?
Yes, we will provide a shuttle service from Arnhem Central Station to Landgoed Rhederoord and back. Please let us know in advance if you’d like to reserve a spot on the shuttle.
What should I do if I have dietary restrictions?
We want everyone to enjoy the meal! Please inform us of any dietary restrictions when you RSVP, and we’ll ensure there’s a suitable option for you.
Is there a gift registry?
Your presence is the greatest gift! However, if you’d like to contribute, you can view the registry on the 'Registry' page linked on our website.
What time does the reception end?
The reception will officially end at 10:00 PM. However, we’d love for you to join us for an after-party at the venue to keep the celebrations going!
How can I RSVP?
You can RSVP by filling out the form on our wedding website. Please RSVP by 31 December 2024.